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The Way Up From Down
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Rid Yourself of Stress, Low Moods, and Depression
with this Easy to Follow, Drug-Free Program of B-Vitamins & Amino Acids

By Priscilla Slagle MD

Free eBook

I am providing you with an free on-line copy of my book THE WAY UP FROM DOWN.
There are more specific instructions for following the path to The Way Up in my NewsLetter about The Way Up from Down.

If you would like to order a paperback version of the book, it is available for purchase below from Amazon.


The Way Up From Down by Dr Priscilla Slagle

Can You Answer "Yes" to Any of These Statements?

  • I am restless and fidgety.
  • I am exhausted most of the time.
  • I am miserable and often feel like crying.
  • My sleep is restless & disturbed.
  • My heart sometimes beats faster than usual.
  • I get hardly anything done lately.
  • Things that I regret about my life are bothering me.
  • I worry a lot about my bodily symptoms.

If you did, you may be suffering from some degree of depression.

Dr. Slagle's completely natural, drug-free treatment can help you rid yourself of these feelings and symptoms. A breakthrough method that draws on the most up-to-date scientific discoveries about mood and depression, this program of nutritional supplements offers a simple, safe, and proven way to get rid of the blues forever.
If you or someone you know is unable to voluntarily entertain the positive thoughts I refer to above, then depression may be interfering with this capability. A non-depressed person not only generally chooses to see the bright side (because it feels better to do so) but is easily able to do so. A depressed person may find excuses to see the negative to justify the inability to perceive otherwise. Or they may habitually entertain negative perceptions & interpretations of life without using justification, even truly believing it is general reality.

Depression & stress reactions have many faces, most of which are unrecognized by those experiencing them, by the general public & by the medical profession.
Millions suffer from these conditions, and since they can be stress induced, the purpose of this book is to help disseminate information on the recognition & natural non-prescription approaches to positively shifting experience & perception, to releasing fear, anxiety, negativity, apathy, disinterest & achieving new hope & internal freedom.

Since most people don't know when they are overly stressed or depressed, I have provided a quick test called the Zung Self Rating Depression Scale.
There are 2 pages, 20 questions.
Answer what best fits you most of the time.
Take the test on the first page & see how to score & interpretate on the second page.
If your score is more than 50 you would feel better if you made some of the changes explained in my book.

"THE WAY UP FROM DOWN" explains how diet changes & natural supplements can alter your brain chemistry so that you can think & perceive positively.
I want to offer it to you as a way to gain greater control over your emotions & experience of life.

You Will Discover

  • Proof that depression is biochemically induced and treatable
  • Why and how certain nutrients -- chiefly amino acids and vitamin-mineral supplements -- bring relief
  • How to start your own program of nutritional supplements -- and when to turn to a physician for help
  • How the program can help you when you're not actually depressed but suffer only from occasional low moods
  • A self-rating scale to help you discover whether you are depressed.
  • How to identify depression in yourself, or someone close to you, and how to recognize its psychological and physical symptoms.

You can follow the instructions for downloading THE WAY UP FROM DOWN then read or print it from your desktop. Those who have the latest Adobe Acrobat can read it directly online.
Click here to go to download the book .

Don't be alarmed when you see the Appendix is missing. I have left it out because much of that information is throughout the website & updated.


The Way Up From Down

The Way Up From Down
By Dr. Priscilla Slagle, MD

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