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Category - Energy Support

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D-Ribose is used to:

  • Boost strength levels
  • Enhance gains in muscle size and strength
  • Increase muscle Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) levels and thereby producing more energy during short, intense bursts of activity.
  • Prevent muscle tissue breakdown that can occur subsequent to strenuous exercise.

Intense physical exercise places great energy demands on our heart & skeletal muscles by depriving them of oxygen. This oxygen deprivation leads to a drastic decrease in muscle ATP/energy levels. As ATP falls, cellular functional mechanisms become depressed. First the calcium pump declines(these are responsible for muscle relaxation), then the sodium/potassium pump declines, & the cell swells and leaks leading to stiffness and soreness.

Studies have shown that muscle ATP levels can be decreased by as much as 60-70% following exhaustive exercise and that it can take over 72 HOURS for these ATP levels to be adequately replenished. The use of D-Ribose has been shown to dramatically decrease the recovery time from 72 HOURS to as little as 12 HOURS!

The body efficiently absorbs D-Ribose with 95% of what you consume being delivered directly to the bloodstream. D-Ribose should be taken approximately 1 hour before exercise and immediately after.

Finally, D-Ribose also gives the body a SUDDEN JOLT of energy when taken, and will thus help as a pre-workout supplement or anytime you need an energy boost.

DIRECTIONS: Take 1 to 3 scoops before or after exercise, or as directed by your qualified health consultant. Each scoop provides approximately 2.2 grams D-Ribose. Dr. Slagle usually recommends a heaping tsp per dose.

Other Ingredients: None

Contains no salt, starch, yeast, wheat, gluten, soy, milk, egg, shellfish or preservatives.

Vegetarian/vegan product


* These statements have not been evaluated by the U.S.Food & Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease

D-Ribose 8 oz $ 23.99

D-Ribose 8 oz
Element Amount %Daily Allowance% Serving Size
Total Carbohydrate
D-Ribose Powder (Bioenergy Ribose)
1 1/2 LevelTsp(5g)

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