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Zinc Tally Liquid

Zinc Tally Liquid

All you do is put 1 tsp. in your mouth & hold it there for 1-2 minutes. If little or no taste is apparent to you, you need more zinc. If it tastes very strong you have enough zinc, but you can still then go ahead and swallow that spoonful.*

For all the details on the essentiality & many benefits of adequate zinc, see Zinc Picolinate.

DIRECTIONS: When used to test for adequate zinc levels in your body, can use 1 tsp. daily to test while you are taking other zinc supplementation until the test reveals adequate zinc levels in your body, then stay at that dose & re-check periodically.

When using as your zinc supplement: vary the dosage beginning with 1 tsp. twice daily with meals & adjusting upward or downward as taste feedback indicates.*

Always take zinc with food, because it may cause a little queasiness when taken on an empty stomach.

Other Ingredients: Zinc Sulfate in a base of distilled water.


* These statements have not been evaluated by the U.S.Food & Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease

Zinc Tally Liquid 4 fl. Oz $ 35.04

Zinc Tally Liquid 4 fl. Oz
Element Amount %Daily Allowance% Serving Size
2.3 mg
2 tsp
(10 ml)

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