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Category - Herbals

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Hepagen, Silymarin ( Milk Thistle )

Hepagen, Silymarin ( Milk Thistle )

In addition to milk thistle, hepagen contains a blend of the other powerful liver suporting agents N-acetyl cysteine, lipoic acid & Alpha-Ketoglutarate*

Hepagen is a powerful liver supporting compound for anyone needing special attention to their liver.*

Milk Thistle is known to:

  • Help protect against the lipid peroxidation induced by alcohol.*
  • Help decrease elevated liver enzyme levels.*
  • Help with a variety of liver disorders, ranging from cirrhosis to viral & autoimmune hepatitis and other toxic reactions of the liver to drugs & chemical compounds.*

DIRECTIONS: Take 1 capsule twice daily with meals as long as needed to achieve desired results or to maintain needed protection.

Other Ingredients: Gelatin, magnesium stearate, silicon dioxide


* These statements have not been evaluated by the U.S.Food & Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease

Hepagen, Silymarin ( Milk Thistle ) 60 Capsules $ 19.00

Hepagen, Silymarin ( Milk Thistle ) 60 Capsules
Element Amount %Daily Allowance% Serving Size
Lipoic Acid
Liver Subfractions
(with S.O.D. & Caralase)
Alpha-keto Glutarate
(Milk Thistle)
5 mg

15 mg
100 mg

40 mg
150 mg

30 mg
1 Capsule

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