Catalog                                     February 2010                       
Ask Dr. Slagle
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What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to
what lies within us.
                                            Ralph Waldo Emerson           
Numerous medical studies show that our youth are becoming less active, and fat as a result. The problem has become large enough that Michelle Obama has chosen this as a cause, and  launched an initiative to fight childhood obesity.  Medical experts are imploring parents and teachers to discourage their kids' inactive lifestyles and to encourage them to go outside and play. A recent study found that the prevalence of overweight children and adolescents has tripled since 1970 with one in every three children considered to be overweight. This sobering statistic can be partly attributed to overly couch-bound kids who are playing video games, surfing the web, texting and tweeting their free time away instead of spending it on active play, sports and other physical activities.
Many of these physically passive  children may  have complicit couch bound parents. Inactivity and obesity is also a major problem in adults. Helping children to avoid a lifelong struggle with obesity is a loving act.   Parents also might find their own motivation for being more physically active when engaged in stimulating their children to be more active. 
  Childhood obesity increases the later adult risk of high blood pressure, type II diabetes, high cholesterol, heart disease, and multiple other physical vulnerabilities. Obesity can also contribute to social and emotional problems. Fat is not jolly.  Fat is often feeling uncomfortable  moving, walking, being, seeing oneself in the mirror.  Fat is often being unhappy with oneself, feeling inferior, being made fun of, being tired, not feeling energetic, developing poor self esteem.  Would you wish this on any child? In short, obese children are getting off to a poorer start in life.  Life can be difficult enough without beginning with potential health and social handicaps.
 One part of the problem is that children aren't playing outside at home or at school as much as they have done in previous times. Many school districts nationwide have cut physical education classes in an effort to meet national academic standards. But what decision-makers don't realize is that being physically fit and having exercise breaks often helps students in the classroom. With decreased encouragement from adults - at home and at school - kids have less of an interest in exercise.
Children under 6 years old spend an average of 2 hours daily in front of a TV, or DVD.  The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends children spend no more than 1-2 hours daily in front of a screen, and those under 2 years have no screen time.  Older kids and teens spend a daily averge of 5 1/2 hours in front of a computer, TV, Video or DVD screen.  Screens with children sitting in front of them have become the most popular babysitters of our era.  It is so tempting for the tired over extended parent to give way to the distraction and help of this super babysitter, but it is at a cost. 
 It is important for children to learn how to entertain themselves, to be constructive, active, productive, helpful to other family members and at school.  This does not happen when one is hypnotized in zombie like fashion in front of the "tube".  There needs to be a family meeting and negotiation about how many hours a week can be spent this way, what those days and hours will be and specifically watching what?  But even better yet, if there are other plans and activities involving physical movement, the time will be filled healthfully and constuctively. Instead of giving your child a video game for his birthday, give  a bicycle and show them how and where to ride it.
Engage your family in a lifestyle of fitness. Discourage and limit excessive television watching, computer use, or gaming, unless it is the active Wii games,  Also discourage snacking while watching television, doing homework, and other odd times. Instead encourage outside  playtime, family activities, and recreational programs.  How about ping pong, , tennis, dancing classes, martial arts, team sports. Try family walks, bike rides, and other outdoor sports. Plan hiking, skiing, swimming, and outings that will include physical activities. Encourage your children to do set chores that include activities like raking the lawn, picking up their items, vacuuming, or anything that will get them moving.
Did you know that 12 minutes daily of alternately intense exercise and rest can fully activate the body"s fat-burning capacity and help to build muscle?  This approach is backed by numerous scientific studies and is detailed in the new book,  PACE: The 12- Minute Fitness Revolution by Dr Al Sears.  Why not explore this and set up a PACE exercise program which will be helpful to both you and your children? This program provides considerable physical benefit in a short period of time daily.
If you can afford it, something like The Gruve, an omni-directional accelerometer would be helpful. It can also be fun and an objective measure of activity upon which to base a reward system for your child.  The Gruve  measures the intensity and duration of  activity.  You can use it to   measure the progress of  work on increasing physical activity. Basically, it keeps track of how much you move about in your daily life and how many calories you burn. Not only are you getting this information from your device, but you can synch it up with the Gruve website to view your daily calories burn records and track your progress.
You can use the Gruve to make the activity a contest between your children or you and your children, with a pre-decided reward given to the winner of the activity contest each week. 
As far as food intake, parents can do their part by only providing food in the home which is healthy and nourishing and by lobbying for more nutritional school cafeteria foods.  Also, parents can  cook healthy meals, or have healthy snacks available, versus letting kids have the junk food they want. Have no sugar or white flour products in the house.  If fast food has to be procured, there are healthier options than those filled with white flour and sugar, which need to be avoided across the board. One would not want overindulging a child with  food to become a substitute for the love and attention children need.
Sugar is a big culprit in childhood obesity.  It is also well known that sugar is addictive, the more you eat the more you want.  Sugar also destabilizes the blood sugar and stimulates the appetite, leading to overeating.
Unfortunately we are bombarded by sugar in many hidden forms, as well as the obvious.  The average per person sugar consumption in the U.S. is 142 pounds yearly. This equals 48 tsp daily.  Hard to believe?  This is because 33tsp of that intake are added during the processing of foods and beverages as opposed to being naturally occurring. 
A 12 ounce soft drink contains 10 teaspoons of sugar.  Eight ounces of one brand of sweetened apple yogurt contains 44 grams of sugar.  Four grams of sugar equals 1 teaspoon, so this is the equivalent of 11 teaspoons of sugar.  You might think handing your child a container of yogurt was a good thing.  Instead you can buy plain yogurt which has no added sugar, flavor it with fresh fruit, and sweeten with stevia powder if it even needs to be sweeter.  Be careful about some of the artificial sweeteners, as they can pose their own problems.  See my newsletter on this topic for what to avoid.
Read labels and look for hidden sugars such as corn syrup, corn sweetener, sucrose, dextrose, glucose, barley malt, agave nectar, rice syrup, maple syrup, honey.  This is not to mention the obvious listing of sugar on the label.  If you take this extra time to read and be a detective while shopping, you can save your family many empty unhealthy calories and promote their health and well being.

Finding the time to get through your insanely long to-do list is one thing, but finding the energy is another challenge altogether. If we had a fraction of the energy required to get done all that we needed and wanted to do, then we probably wouldn't be human. We have to do the best we can with what energy we've got. There are some quick ways, however, to boost our existing cache of energy in hopes of checking a few more items off that never-ending list.
Don't skip meals. 40% of your blood sugar is used for brain function, so if you're not eating enough, you won't be thinking clearly. Start your day with a balanced breakfast of fruit, whole grains and protein, and then eat a little something every 3 hours or so.  Supplement with a minimum of a good multivitamin mineral product daily with breakfast and dinner.
Drink plenty of water. Dehydration slows everything down. If you must have caffeine, try to limit your intake to a cup of coffee in the morning and a glass of iced tea in the afternoon. Drink water in between.  Be aware that alcohol is also dehydrating.
Pack in the protein. Snacking on things like nuts, yogurt, or cottage cheese throughout the day will elevate your metabolism, stabilize your blood sugar, and stave off fatigue. A Creatine Whey Protein Powder combined with a heaping teaspoon of D-Ribose can be a quick and lasting energizer, as well as assuaging the appetite.   It tastes good, so can be mixed with water if you don't want the extra calories of mixing with rice milk, soy milk, etc. 
Lower your expectations. Make compromises instead of setting unrealistic goals. You are not Mary Poppins, and striving for such perfectionism will only result in feeling guilty when you fall short. Take things one step at a time and let yourself know that it's okay if you don't get everything done (and perfectly). Make lists and prioritize.  You will find that some lower priority items will fall away from being important.
Organize your environment. Bins, hooks and cubbyholes designated for items that would typically clutter chairs and counter tops will not only make your home/work space neater, it will also improve your mental energy. When your eyes are taking in items strewn all over the place, your brain becomes overwhelmed by all that visual stimulation and suddenly your to-do list gets longer.
Try some quick Chinese medicine. Rub your ears gently from lobes to tips. This will awaken your organs and redirect energy upward toward your head when you're beginning to feel it all drag downward.
Take five. Isolate yourself, even if you have to go sit in your car, and just be quiet and take deep breaths for a few minutes. Make sure your cell phone is turned off.

As long as our elected officials do not have term limits and the lobby industry has the money and power to influence votes and law as it does, the natural supplement industry will periodically be threatened.  The pharmaceutical companies do not like the amount of drug sales to be decreased by those who choose natural remedies.  The Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act, DSHEA, of 1994 conferred some degree of protection for you to continue to have access to natural supplements.
Now Senator John Mccain is filing and trying to pass a new bill which would repeal important and key sections of the DSHEA.  It would allow the FDA, long affiliated with the drug companies, to select what list of supplements can remain on the market and ban all others.  Please protect your continued freedom to choose and have available natural health care and supplements.  Let your senators know now that you oppose this bill and please ask all your friends to do the same.  If you click on the following it will only take a few minutes of your time. Take Action Now

For those of you seeking a shapelier derriere and stronger legs, there is help! Overall weight loss is just the beginning. As pounds start to come off, you might be surprised to see that your rear doesn't lift on it's own, nor do legs achieve the svelte or muscular look you might be going for. Here are some time-tested methods for getting the lower half in shape:
Squats: Mix up your sets of squats to prevent plateaus. Place your feet together or shoulder-width apart. Lower yourself slowly down so your upper legs are parallel to the floor, and slowly rise back to standing. Your upper body remains static.
Pile/ Sumo Squats: A variation on the traditional squat, this targets the inner and outer thighs, as well as the glute muscles. Place your feet a few inches beyond shoulder-width apart, with your toes turned 45 degrees out, and squat so the upper legs are parallel to the floor. Rise and repeat.
Reverse Partial Squats: To hone in on those stubborn glutes, try this squat variation: start from the squatted position, and rise to the mid-point (not to full-extension), and back down to squat.
Stair-Stepper: Cardio & buns of steel all in one. If you are using a machine, vary the intensity and resistance. If you opt for the actual stairs, try using ankle weights or dumbbells to increase resistance. This is just the beginning of what you can do to increase strength and tone in the lower half. For a more targeted approach, try seeking the expertise of a professional trainer, or consult with your gym representatives about which machines are most effective at targeting the lower half.
Many of us get stuck in the same craving cycles that prevent us from shedding those unwanted pounds. Here are three things you can do to curb your cravings:
1. Drink water. Many times our junk food cravings are the product of partial dehydration. You can occupy your mouth, and quench your craving, so to speak, by drinking 2 glasses of water within thirty minutes.
2. Munch smart. Have some healthy snacks on hand to help satisfy the munchies when they come. If you love to snack on salty treats, stock up on healthy nuts and veggie snacks. Be aware that protein snacks, such as a boiled egg may be more appetite quenching than other snacks. If sweet is more your thing, keep apples, berries, and low-fat yogurt on hand.
3. Accept your cravings. Part of changing your eating habits is letting go of the old ways that are not working for your body. You will have cravings, and at times it may be hard. Preparing yourself with healthy snacks and the ocassional measured indulgence will go a long way towards keeping you in control.
or Cathy Jones, Assistant
 The Way Up • 946 N. Avenida Palos Verdes • Palm Springs, CA 92262
Phone: 1 (760) 322-7797
FAX : 760 322-7608
In this Issue:

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or Cathy Jones, Assistant
Phone: 760 322-7797 or  800 289-8487 

Food Allergy and Obesity
A regular intake of foods to which one has a delayed hypersensitivity may add to obesity in children and adults. These food habits can make it difficult to lose weight even if following a low calorie diet.  Delayed reactions often begin the day after exposure and may last up to 5 days. Because of the cumulative and overlapping nature of these responses, which are also usually chronic, one may not associate the symptoms with food intake.
Delayed food reactions are often Immunglobulin G  (IGG) mediated.  These are Type II and Type III hypersensitivity reactions. 
There is much confusion between immediate and delayed food intolerance.  Allergists recognize the immediate food allergies which are mediated in the body by a substance called Immunglobulin E (IGE). This is considered to be involved in a  Type I hypersensitivity reaction.  One can have a screening blood test called a Total IGE  to see if it is elevated. If it is, then one can be given further IGE blood testing for specific allergens or skin tested. However, because this Type I kind of reaction usually occurs within 2 hours of eating the offending food and can sometimes be severe or even life threatening, most people are aware of these allergies, or soon become aware. Some of the symptoms may be hives, itching, rashes, acute gastrointestinal distress, swelling, difficulty breathing, and in severe cases, even death.
 The three most common IGE food allergens for children are milk, peanuts, and eggs. The most common for adults is shellfish.
 A good book on delayed Type II food sentivities is An Alternative Approach To Allergies, by Theron Randolph M. D.
Food intolerance is a separate issue.  It may be related to the lack some component in the digestive system which is needed to digest a certain  food. For people with lactose intolerance (which most of the world's population has to some degree), the digestive enzyme lactase is the  low or missing component. You can actually take a pill that supplies this enzyme. 
Another common form of food intolerance is celiac disease.  It is an often inherited autoimmune disease, in which people can't digest foods containing  gluten,.  The lining of the intestine is damaged from eating gluten and other proteins found in wheat, barley, rye, and oats. The damage to the lining of the intestines can produce malabsorption of multiple nutrients. 
Dyes in foods, sulfites in wines, and other additives often trigger  intolerances or allergies.
If you want to know whether delayed food reactions are contributing to obesity or other symptoms in family members, you can order  the food sensitivity test directly from Optimum Health Resource Laboratories.
 For more information, please see Dr. Slagle's Food Allergy newsletter.

Stand up Straight!
 Having perfect posture isn't about your appearance as much as it is about as it is about the flow of energy in your body and the effect is has on your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Standing up straight will improve your physical health in a number of ways, including aiding digestion and blood flow as well as supporting proper muscular and skeletal structure. Standing up straight will help to balance your mood and increase your mental acuity. This is the physical equivalent of thinking positive thoughts to improve your mood. Many find that proper posture and deep breathing can reduce the occurrence of headaches and improve concentration span and focus.

Fish Oil and Brain Health
An article in the February, 2010, Archives of General Psychiatry has extended the information and discussion about the benefits of fish oil (long chain omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids), also know as EPA.  Previous research has suggested fish oil is beneficial for a range of psychiatric and behavioural disorders.
The study involved  adolescents and young adults aged 13-25 years who had subthreshold psychosis ( meaning on the verge of full blown psychosis).  It was a randomized double-blind placebo controlled trial conducted between 2004 and 2007. Each person was given a daily dose of marine fish oil containing 700 mg of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), 480 mg of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and 7.6mg vitamin E as mixed tocopherols.
The conclusion was the fish oil reduced the risk of progression to psychotic disorder.
Some have argued that dysfunctional fatty acid metabolism may be involved in the cause of schizophrenia.
The study postulated the therapeutic effects could have resulted from altered brain cell membrane fluidity and receptor responses following the incorporation of the fatty acids in to the cell membranes.  The fatty acids also may interact with the dopamine and serotonin neurotransmitter systems.  Additionally EPA may increase glutathione in the temporal lobes of the brain.  Previous research has indicated glutathione may be low in schizophrenia.  Glutathione protects brain cells from oxidaive stress and excitatoxicity which are documented to be present in schizophrenia.

Chick Pea & Squash Curry
3 tbs olive oil
1 ts cayenne pepper, ground
2 tbs yellow curry 2 cups vegetable broth
1 yellow onion, chopped
3 Yukon Gold potatoes- chopped
1/2 head cauliflower- chopped
2 large yellow squash- chopped
2 cups (pre-soaked or canned) chickpeas
1 cup plain yogurt Cilantro to garnish
1. Heat oil; add onions and seasonings.
2. Stir in broth and potatoes, bring to a boil then simmer for 20 minutes.
3. Stir in squash and cauliflower, cook 30 minutes.
4. Fork-mash garbanzo beans, combine with yogurt and add to curry. Heat five minutes.
5. Serve with cilantro garnish and enjoy!