ABOUT THE WAY UPPriscilla Slagle, M.D. has been using nutrients in her practice since 1975. For that reason, Dr. Slagle is very particular which products she uses. Located in Palm Springs, California, "The Way Up" has been shipping quality health-supportive supplements to Dr. Slagle's patients all over the world. "The Way Up" is now able to provide those same quality supplements to you, and hopes you will benefit as others have. We also include guidance for how Dr. Slagle uses the supplements to address the conditions listed on the site & a detailed summary of the benefits and/or research on each product. In describing the products & uses, Dr. Slagle is in no way claiming to include all of the information on each substance. All supplements are not created equally. If you shop & price compare be sure to look at milligram dose, number of capsules or tablets, number of ingredients, and brand for making an accurate comparison. Since many of Dr. Slagle's patients are allergic she has carefully selected hypoallergenic unadulterated products to minimize any chance of allergies. May you find a new beginning from "The Way Up"